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The days are getting longer again, the light warmer. Forgetting Eunice for a moment, as she whips through with all her inclement gusts and (many unwanted) gifts. I’ve noticed the frosts this year; they were seldom to savour and so all the more noticeable. I like the crump, crump sound underfoot on a woodland walk, do you?
This rich, red profusion of petals below, these brilliant blooms, they warmed my eyes to photograph. Thankfully, not shot on a frosty day since we were at an outside studio on this occasion.
The flowers belong to one of the abundant arrangements captured for florist Wildstone Floral earlier in the month. They’re about to launch a website and I’m certain it’s going to be a beauty.
If I were a stem within this bouquet right now l’d be the eryngium. All spiky and hungering for my dinner. Cue, head to the kitchen and eat once this sends to you.
This warm and wooly embrace between siblings, we captured it before so much as a Weetabix was wolfed. It was a fine and frosty sunrise moment and there are not many sunrises to go before their Mum’s book publishes. Shakira Akabusi is where to head for all the details, dates and do’s & don’ts for post-natal rebuilding.
We also photographed on the beach and in warmer conditions with a whole lot of success and just a few wet feet and sandy toes to prove it; golden glow on golden sands.
To showcase what can be achieved in post production, I’ve included a before & after image of a beautiful table scape. With all kinds of agricultural & seasonal guff in the background in the SOC ( straight out of camera ) image. Disappeared and magically calm and free from distraction in the second image which pleased both my florist client, Leanne, and myself equally.
I can’t post this until Eunice moves on through and broadband restores. I shall take a keyboard pause right here, wish you all well for Spring and scoot to the three heads of cauliflower that await their curry fate in the kitchen. I know, it’s a Marmite vegetable for sure. My children relentlessly recoil, but still I persist!
Hopefully, you’ll have dodged any falling debris and suffered no storm damage? Keep safe and tread sensibly.
- Delicious oat milk farmed locally within the SDNP
- Flavien Berger and his music which I’ve edited loadsa commissions to it lately.
- Next book on the bedside table is Conflicted and I cannot. wait. to. read. it. ‘Invaluable. The world will be a better place if everyone reads this book, and because it’s so entertaining they probably will.’ says Philippa Perry. I’ll take her esteemed vote of conf as a recommendation. Malcolm Gladwell also gives it a front cover thumbs up which is high praise indeed.
- This is Going to Hurt the British healthcare system, oof? Don’t get me started. I’m not usually a huge Mike TV but currently am on a bit of a gorge / series roll having consumed this in one single sitting. Confessional.
If you think you’ve cause to commission photography, either personally or for your business, and either currently or in the near future, I’m a phone call away. Talking through your needs can help clarify what kind of photography you wish to commission; this may or may not be with me and I understand this! Phone conversations are always without obligation. My mobile no. 07900 626865

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